Clinical Correlations Final Reflection

Content & Focus: 85% (Familiar with content, may not be appropriately focused or does not use best sources of evidence).

In the Content & Focus section, I believe I was pretty familiar and comfortable with the content; however, I did have some trouble focusing on just my topic and went on a tangent most of the time. I also struggled in finding the best resources for my information. Especially for our first assignment, I spend a lot of time researching my question and took me more than it should’ve to come up with some valid content.

Logic & Flow: 100% (Able to present an argument or topic in a logical and organized fashion.)

In the Logic & Flow section, I believe I did a good job in organizing my information and presented it in such a way that it was logical. I tried to practice as much as I could before class so during my presentation, my flow would be easy to follow.

Analysis: 85% (Identifies relationships and components, but lacks clarity in supporting opinions or ideas).

In the Analysis section, I believe I was able to have a good understanding of the topics and all the different components involved however, when it came to inputting new ideas or information or argue and try to support such inputs, I struggled to do so, mainly because I wasn’t sure if it was correct or not.

Communication/ Collaboration: 100% (Demonstrates good listening and reflecting skills and contributes appropriately).

In the Communication and Collaboration section, I believe I did a good job in listening to what my classmates had to say and contributed and added to the overall conversation.

Clinical correlation class has been a very fun and proactive way of learning. This class helped me realize some of my weaknesses that I wasn’t aware of and helped me work on them. For example, it helped me become a better “detective” and forced me to look at the bigger picture. When a patient presents with a symptom you have to think of all the possibilities and then start narrowing it down by asking more pertinent questions that will help you rule in/out a potential condition. This class also showed the importance of being part of a team. The ability of being able to listen carefully to a team member and building up on that is very important in providing the best medical management for a patient and this class helped me to practice such skill alot. One more area I need to work more is my presentations. I need to be more fluent and confident when I present to my classmates. Overall, the class was great.

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