Rotation Reflection

My 8th rotation was Emergency Medicine at Metropolitan Hospital. This was my first rotation at Metropolitan hospital but the staff was very supportive and I was able to quickly get my ID and log into their computer system. This rotation was 5 weeks long. My first week was overnight and the other 4 weeks were day shifts. Overall, I enjoyed both night and day shifts and was able to interview and assess a lot of patients during my time there.

The shifts at Metropolitan ER were from 7 to 7, 12-13-hour shifts, 3 days a week with a total of about 40 hrs per week. Every shift change there was a 15 min huddle where the new staff would be informed and brought up to date with all the current patients in the ED. Presentations were quick and straight to the point. At the beginning of each shift I would pick a side (either the red or the green side) and just see patients from that side only. When the ER was slow, I would start seeing patients from both sides and then present that patient to whoever the provider for that patient was. As I got more comfortable being in the ER and seeing patients by myself, I also started to hang out with nurses and ask to do IV’s and start fluids on some patients which was very helpful and productive.

One element that I loved during this rotation was the fast pace environment. You are able to see patients back to back which not only makes you a more efficient provider but also helps for the day to pass quicker. It took me about a week to get adjusted to this fast-paced environment but once I started feeling comfortable, I enjoyed every moment of it. The PA’s and residents were also very supportive and helpful which made this rotation one of the best ones so far.

One memorable experience during this rotation was when a patient was brought in by EMS due to cardiac arrest. Every provider in the ER jumped right in and knew exactly what their role was and how to perfectly execute it. No one was panicking and they showed great teamwork. I was also able to assist with chest compressions and it was definitely a great experience.

One challenge I experience during my EM rotation was fatigue. I set up my schedule Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and by doing 12-13 hrs 3 days in a row can be a little challenging and will eventually wear you out. By Wednesday night, I would be pretty tired and fatigued, so one recommendation I would do to the following class or anyone else who has EM rotation next is to avoid working 3 12 hr shifts in a row. Overall, this was a great rotation and enjoyed it a lot.

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